To replace UOP PCL-100, Axens AxTrap-813.
The product is molecular sieve based with special modifier, which can effectively remove the trace organic chloride and HCL in the oil, and achieve the goal of total chlorine removal.
The oil produced by reforming contains trace amounts of organic chlorine, and the oil with organic chlorine produces inorganic chlorine after separation by pentane column, which causes corrosion to the top of pentane tower and equipment in the subsequent process and increases the pressure drop of ammonium salt plugging. In response to this situation, combined with the application of PCL-100 dechlorination agent promoted by UOP company in China, the second generation of organic chlorine dechlorination agent KS406-2 for oil products was developed.
For more information please refer to (3w dot kelicat dot com).
Keli is a professional manufacturer and solution provider of catalysts and adsorbents. It is an enterprise reformed from SINOPEC branch company origin...
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